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I Timothy

Commentaries Used for I Timothy

Courson, Jon - Jon Courson’s Application Commentary, New Testament

Guzik, David - The Enduring Word Bible Commentary, I Timothy

Hiebert, D. Edmond - Everyman’s Bible Commentary, First Timothy

Hughes, R. Kent & Brian Chapell - Preaching the Word Commentary - I-2

Timothy and Titus, To Guard the Deposit

Ironside, H.A. - Addresses on the First and Second Epistles of Timothy, Titus and


King, Guy H. - A Leader Led, An Expositional Study of the First Epistle of Timothy

MacArthur, John - The MacArthur New Testament Commentary - I Timothy

MacDonald, William - Believer’s Bible Commentary, I Timothy

Morgan, G. Campbell - Life Applications from Every Chapter of the Bible

Phillips, John - The John Phillips Commentary Series, Exploring the Pastoral


Smith, Chuck - The Word for Today Bible Teaching Series (c2000), I Timothy

Wiersbe, Warren W. - NT Commentary, Be Faithful, It’s Always to Soon to Quit; 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon